Thursday, August 1, 2013

B's Fitness and Motivation Post

Hi everyone!

I apologize for the lack of posts this past week. Sadly, someone I cared a lot about passed away in a tragic accident, and I felt inadequate and too shook up to post anything for a while. Kym has a summer job and is working, so posts got a little scarce! 

Today I decided to make more of a personal, lifestyle and health kind of post. As I've mentioned before, I'm far off being super skinny (I vary between a UK size 12-14 (and even 16 on top because of my large bust) which is roughly a European 40-42.) and have struggled for years with my body image. My body is fairly proportional, as I have measurements of 42-31-38 inches with a "small" waist compared to my 32GG cup, but there's still large areas of my body I am incredibly uncomfortable with - namely my stomach and thighs - legs in general, really -  and also my upper arms. I've spent years of my life hating myself so much I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror, and only recently have started to embrace who I am a little more.

I'm still far from happy, which is why I'm currently trying to drop 2 or 3 dress sizes. Ideally I'd like to go down to a small UK size 10. I don't feel the need to go anywhere below that.
So I'll write a little about my exercise and eating routine. What I'd like to point out is that, despite my size, I have always been a healthy eater, have always cooked for myself, tend to eat clean carbs and rarely really splurge on shitty foods. I've also always exercised, having done years of karate, cycling, volley ball, badminton as well as jogging and going to the gym, so I am fairly healthy.
Back a couple of weeks ago, I was on a pretty strict diet of 1200-1400 calories a day with 5 hours of exercise at the gym a week and managed to drop about 7 kilos, but I've regained about 4 of those back as I've been slacking lately (I blame it on the summer holidays and the tasty cocktails!)
Seeing as I want to have lost 10 kilos by the end of the summer, I really want to get back on track!

I'll start off with my diet. As mentioned above, until a few weeks back I tried to restrain myself to approx. 1200-1400 calories a day, which is a few hundred calories below my recommended weight loss intake of 1700. It worked quite well for me, as all the calories I consumed came from really healthy, wholesome foods and a lot of exercise thrown in. To help me with keeping track, I keep a diary of my exact calorie intake for each day, which I post in a small, closed group on Facebook, which I share with two friends who are trying to watch what they eat too. We share diet tips, exercise routines and tasty healthy snacks! It definitely works well to have a 'weightloss buddy' because it helps you keep motivated in the moments of weakness.

Today, as per Kym's recommendation, I ordered the "3 Apples a Day Diet Guide" by Tammi Flynn, which recommends eating 1/2 to 1 whole apple before each meal - to curb your appetite and diminish your cravings for sweet things. I am curious to give this a try, as I usually don't follow any specific diets except for a reduced calorie intake and no white flour, refined sugars, processed foods etc. I will report back once I've tried this diet!

From personal experience, my favorite diet foods are raw celery stalks, a handful of almonds, green smoothies, and lots of water and green unsweetened tea. My secret way to combat cravings for sweet stuff? I eat 1-2 cubes of Dextro Energy when a big craving hits me, as they are low in calories but taste quite nice (my favorite, who'd have guessed, are the tropical flavored ones). If you're interested in more diet tips, you can check out my pinterest boards for healthy recipes and weightloss snacks: Recipes & Motivation/Tips.

I am also currently planning a week of Detox, and am going to follow a lot of the tips for the Lazy Girl Detox! Been drinking way too much alcohol, smoking too many cigarettes and eating too much crap, ew!
For motivation: I have decided to buy myself something small and nice for every 5 kilos I lose. Fair enough, right? You can for example keep a little box or jar into which you drop 1€ for every 30 minutes of exercise, or put a couple of euros in for every lost kilo!
For more diet and exercise tips, you can check out the Blogilates youtube channel, which always has good and handy tips and little exercise suggestions - I really enjoy it!

Now to my exercise routine.

As I've mentioned before, my lifestyle isn't too inactive, but recently I've been slacking a bit because the crazy heat takes my motivation for everything - I just wanna sit outside and tan all day, or spend the day at my friends' pool because who am I kidding, I am definitely not going for a jog in this humid, heavy heat. Gross. Even the evenings are unbearable.
Instead, I've been trying to do half an hour of walking, plus half an hour of an alternative form of exercise every day. My new thing (I am so late to this haha, everyone's been doing it for ages!) is the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, which you can even check out on youtube. I just put it on on my macbook, mute her annoying voice and put on some motivational music!
If I don't have a full half hour at a time because I'm in a bit of a rush, I try to do this New York Times Scientific 7 Minute Work Out before I jump into the shower. If you do this 3 times a day, you've got your half hour of exercise, and it's seriously INTENSE!

The hardest part about all this? Definitely not the exercising, or saying no to a piece of chocolate. The hardest part is keeping my motivation up, and swallowing the disappointment when I don't lose as much as I wanted one week. Keeping up with the work, even when the results don't show as quickly as I wish they did. Reminding myself that I am doing this for myself, and no one else. Pushing a little further and a little harder than the last time. But it's definitely worth it! So if you're on a weightloss-and-fitness journey, remember to not give up! I'd be super happy if anyone wanted to share their experiences, tips, questions with me!

On a side note, guys.... The one thing which I forgot to mention, and which is the most important thing of all: no matter your shape, size or weight, you are 100% worthy of love, respect, and acceptance. If you want to lose weight and get fit for your own sake and in a healthy way, it's amazing, but never let anyone tell you you need to do something you don't want to in order to become someone else's definition of 'beautiful'. Society has these warped and messed up standards nowadays, and many many many girls - including me - feel the immense pressure to conform. But be healthy and happy in your own mind and body, that's the only thing that really matters. Cheesy, I know, but it's true.

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